Ellen Seward grew up in every region of the United States, each with its own sub-culture. From a young age she noticed the way her family interacted with each other and within each new environment. She was baffled by the gaps between what people planned and what actually happened; and between what she intended and the results she generated.
Her observations inspired a single-minded devotion to understanding what creates effective interaction, asking always, “What causes the results we seek?” and more pointedly, “How do I cause these effects?”
Educated in the sciences, Ellen worked for 20 years for two global research and development companies, Eli Lilly and Procter & Gamble, furthering her observations. In 1999 Ellen founded a research ethics review consultancy serving global research clients where she piloted her ideas over more than 16 years. She deconstructed what it takes to create the results she wanted and what develops employees. Ellen is regarded for bringing experts from across academic, industry, and international cultures together into effective decision-making groups producing effective results.
In 2012 life thoroughly tested these ideas and principles. At that time Ellen experienced a rare and extreme illness, and for 10 days thrown to the edge of existence. Hospitalized for over three months with a recovery lasting more than one year, her enterprise continued to operate and contribute well without interruption, validating the sustainability of her ideas.
Ellen Is currently president of Knowledge Sharing & Engagement, LLC, founded in 2016, where she advocates directly for effective interaction. She is part of a blended family with 4 grown children.